Well, that went downhill quickly!

We're almost at the end of August and I haven't blogged since January of which the blog was optimistically titled "Let It Be Great". I deliberately skipped February because I was collecting up things to write about. I'm going to try and avoid the C-19 subject because we've all had quite enough of it, however, C-19, has put a hold on the life retirement plan we were working towards. Which, compared to a lot of peoples C-19 troubles isn't a big deal but I'll share anyway.
Saul (the hubs) went through to the next stage of the apprenticeship in February (which was the 'call back' for the application after the week of work experience). But he got a letter in June saying that they will not be taking on any apprentices this year and now he has to re-apply next January but will be short listed automatically. However, now he will be up against the new applicants who will also be shortlisted. This is such a set back because the full apprenticeship was pretty much guaranteed. They have advised Saul to take on any voluntary work and make a portfolio, I think this is to make sure he makes his application stronger against the younger ones. It's safe to say we were really deflated with this news. But that is all we can do, so do it we shall. There's still a 1 in 2 chance he will get it but it's the waiting that drives us mad.
Staying with news about the hubs, his health has improved. The anxiety has lowered since not being at the local college, no more rushes to hospital and he has come off of his heart pills. So we are really pleased about that. I, however, have had to start taking some really strong anti inflammatory pills for my back and hips. It brings other problems but it's lowering the pain which is a lovely relief.
The kids are doing well. We've moved away from autonomous learning, not because we didn't enjoy it but because our children clearly need some structure. Some children thrive with autonomous and are very self motivated and some aren't. I'm not sad about it, and *I is actually preferring it. We've gone back to curriculum based workbooks. Nice and gentle, no pressure and with a soft structure. By that I mean no time schedule. As long as it gets done on a regular basis I'm happy. *O doesn't like leaving the house so he's quite happy to carry on with his routine and do his work that I set him.
*N is going back to her learning hub soon which will break her week up nicely. She's done really well with her work online and we're really proud of how she has coped with it. She got up and dressed on time (without a wake up call from us) and did her work every morning and hit her deadlines. She has been offered a placement with her learning programme and will be working through GCSE's one at a time, which she is quite happy to do. So that is some fantastic news for her and us, we're very proud.
*I and I were starting to make plans for her to start college when she's 14 which was a good motivational boost to get back into curriculum work. However, we have since found out that the local college has taken the hair and beauty course off their schedule. So now her 14+ isn't possible. She was so upset about it but has dealt with it really well. So I don't know what we will do about that now. She says she might try to get a Saturday job in Superdrug instead. She's hoping to get discount on make up!
As for me, I've taken up learning Greek. I've learnt the Greek alphabet so far and can read Greek, I just don't know what I'm saying! But I can name places. I have learned a few words but yet to make a sentence. So I'm trying to keep the Greek dream alive!
I also took up a TEFL course, for those who haven't heard of it before it means Teaching English as a Foreign Language. I can do this online from anywhere in the world and I don't need an English degree with certain companies. I would mostly be teaching Chinese children and work either at a base rate with potential to earn more and get put forward for clients or set my own rate and advertise myself for clients which is a little trickier.
I did start BSL (British Sign Language) at about the same time but found it easier to concentrate on one thing at a time. My plan was to go back to it when I finished my TEFL course but instead I took up Greek. I might start learning again, it's a fantastic skill to have and could really come in handy one day. I might even be able to earn some money from it.
I've stepped away from my personal Facebook and have just reopened it for my Home Ed Blog (and to have a look through marketplace if we need something). I was getting very depressed being on social media and I shut down a lot of my projects I had going on too. I had designed some products for selling online including digital prints and t-shirt designs. But it was just too much screen time and it was really beginning to affect me in a negative way.
It has been a weird few months, being a home ed Mum who doesn't drive I'm in the house quite a lot anyway so it hasn't been much of a different routine for me. If anything I've become more of a recluse, the funny thing is it doesn't really bother me too much. I'm quite happy tending to my plants and growing fruit and veg in the garden. I'm trying to make new plans for the future with the re-adjustment we've had to make but making financial plans now is impossible. It's nice to get out now and then but I'm relieved to get home after.
So to sum up, it has been a whirlwind 6 months and our plans have been scuppered, we like everyone else, we're just getting on with it. It could be a hell of a lot worse and it isn't like we've being forced to do national service (although some countries still do) and as yet no mandatory immunisation! So take care for now and I'll speak to you all again probably in another few months time. Bye. xx