It's Been So Long!

It seems so long since I wrote my last blog post, I've been waiting to write this weeks' one so that I can share with you the news we have. The hubs got a letter inviting him to the last part of the apprenticeship process, a bit like the final on X-factor. There will be 4 people and 2 of them at the end of the day will be chosen for the apprenticeship. We're getting very impatient waiting for the day in April to come but today the hubs had his last 2 exams at college which he passed both with distinction and means he's finished ahead of time and completed the Bricklaying C&G level 2...YAY!!!

The stress of being a mature student in a college inexperienced in teaching adults has been so stressful for him. But now it's over and we're all so proud of him. If the apprenticeship works out it will be another 2 years until he achieves his NVQ level 1&2 and gets his tradesman blue card and that's when things will completely turn around for us. If not, then he can apply elsewhere for an apprenticeship or work for himself if he wants to. I am so hugely proud of him.
I, however, am still searching for ways to make money from home via apps, online courses, t-shirt designing, selling photos, save the change, absolutely anything I can find. Once the hubs starts working I can actually do some of them. I now have my certificates for my CACHE level 2 Mental Health Awareness so once I get my work back from the people who mark it I can design another course from it. For some ridiculous reason, they keep the work for 12 months after submission. Oh well, I can at least prepare some content with what research I do have at home.

Last night I checked my LinkedIn account and had a message from a lady offering me a writing job. It was to write copy for the company website, blog, social media and newsletter emails. But she wanted someone with a professional background in PR, journalism and marketing. I have none of those. Plus also in-depth knowledge of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. I only know the tiniest amount about those, definitely not enough to write competent copy for such a huge company. So I had to decline. But I was so gutted, at $0.15 (about 10p) per word for 6000 I'd be getting £600 a week, and it's ongoing too, not just a one-off piece. Ughhh, what a bummer. But I'm seeing it as a positive and appreciating the fact that I'm getting eyes on my profile.

So, life is moving forward, and I think I need to look at some professional self-improvement, I believe people call it upskilling. Which will probably be the only way I will be able to earn any form of decent money from home. It's ok having these side hustles for a bit of pocket money but to make a difference to savings, I'm definitely going to have to up my game.
I also think it may be a good idea to start learning Greek. Even if I don't become completely fluent it would be nice to be able to order a meal, and when you move to another country they really appreciate you making the effort. It will help to fit in with the locals better even though they (the vast majority) speak English, it's still nice to try and integrate and immerse yourself in their culture. So if I do everything I can to make the transition easier I think I should.

Even my tarot reading said that February will be the month "I have decisions and choices to make, making changes with myself and my union. Something brings (me) back to myself and (I) seek advice and set new goals". So that's pretty relevant to me at the moment. Of course, the hubs says tarot is all crap, he doesn't believe in anything like that. I'm not sure I do but it's fun to have a reading, who knows, there just might be something in it. If he did take notice of it he would like his February reading, it says "there are new starts and new beginnings" and that he "will be victorious", and that in April he "will have a new boss", so maybe the universe is looking after us this year.

As for the kids, *N is doing well in her new education programme. It's good that she was able to start ahead of September, it gets her up to speed and she won't be the in a group of newbies, she'll know everyone a lot better ahead of the school leavers. *I is continuing with baking and hairdressing. She can't wait until she is 14 and can go to college for hair and beauty. She's getting lots of practice in now so she has a head start when the time comes. *O still hates academics. He's a visual learner and so I've bought him Brain Training for the Nintendo Switch. He's doing really well. He sets an alarm for it every day and doesn't really see it as work. He enjoys the incentives of unlocking new challenges and levels. So I'm really pleased I've found something to get him learning. The hubs isn't keen on autonomous learning so now we have a bit of a compromise.
Well, that's all for now. It's almost March already so I'll blog again in a couple of weeks and maybe I might have learnt something new by then to share with you all. Until then, Kalispera!