New Developments.

You may or may not have seen my video on the Facebook page about new developments in the Tribiani Household. So I thought I'd catch you all up here with some new extras.
Since February I've been trying out new things and returning to some old hobbies.
I was back on the treadmill for a while due to exhausting myself daily by tackling the stairs. Dreadful, I know, so back on the 'dreadmill', I went. It has helped, so as much as I moan about exercising I do find the climb to the summit easier. I have changed the usual half-hour dredge to 15 mins and slightly faster. Apparently, after some research, my body type (endomorph, requires short bursts of physical exercise and carbs are encouraged. Yay! However, due to the issues with my back, I've had to take a break, but I will be back!

The wall in the back garden is finished, and the one in the front garden is half done. There are so many projects to get done with our house. Finding the money to complete them is the main issue. The hubs argues that it's because I keep changing my mind! Our back garden is like a merchants yard. As I think I've mentioned in previous blogs, we are big on re-using and recycling. So any materials going free or cheaply are usually snapped up by the hubs. I can't complain when we're on a very tight budget. Once the front garden wall is done, the hubs can make a start on the path in the back garden. It's all good practice for his portfolio.
Talking of which the apprenticeship may now not be happening for him. He couldn't start it this year because of COVID so the next submissions for apprentice builders start again in January. With it comes two more considered applicants. Although he's shortlisted he will now be up against more applicants. It doesn't seem fair. Maybe it will work itself out. Maybe the universe is working its mysterious magic and something else will happen for us instead.
As for the kids, *N* is starting her English GCSE this week so that is really an exciting next step. She is getting on really well in her ed-programme and she's enjoying a new lease of life.

*I* is toying with the idea of a career in interior design and is taking a break from the baking. She still likes the idea of hair and beauty, but I get the feeling she will be like me and not be able to settle on one career path. It may even come later in life.
*O* isn't keen on the academics but after taking time trying out autonomous learning (that wasn't successful) he doesn't really have much choice. I don't see our time with autonomous learning as a failure though, only not trying can be considered a failure in our house.
Our little fish died a few nights ago. We had a burial and stones were placed. I believe all lives matter, even fish ones! So now we are down to our big fish and froggy.

A submission I wrote for a magazine has been accepted and will be published next month ready for Novembers issue of Cat Magazine. I have also, just this morning, submitted three poems to Marble Poems Magazine. I should hear back from them within the next three months. Fingers crossed.
Learning Greek has slowed down. It seems that learning the alphabet is the easiest part. I just can't seem to retain the words to make sentences. I'm really deflated about it.

For now, that's it. I'm starving and need food. I also have to do some academics with *O* and then I'm planning to watch 'Eat, Pray, Love' for some afternoon relaxation before doing the dreaded food shop later tonight. Late-night bargains are the best!
Take care. Bye!