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Alternative Living

As home-edders choosing an alternative education for our children I'm interested to know if you guys have any other alternative ways of living? For a long time I've been banging on about CBD oil and it's benefits. It's become pretty well know for having all kinds of health benefits but there seems to still be some confusion surrounding it. I've been speaking to Holly-Ann Nunnley who sells CBD from the comfort of her computer with a company called Genius Hemp. I asked Holly-Ann a few questions that may help clear things up for people who are new to CBD products and how the Natural oil works. Here's what she has to say. (Me) Hi, Holly-Ann. What, exactly is CBD? (Holly-Ann) Hi, Sarah. CBD is derived from the hemp plant which is part of the cannabis family, it follows a process of purifying to bring it down to its oil form so we can benefit from the cannibiniods without experiencing the 'high' effect which is know to come from marijuana plant when smoked or eaten. (Me) Is CBD legal? (Holly0Ann) Yes, CBD is legal so long as it fits into the regulations of THC content. The legal THC content in the UK is 0.2% and lower. (Me) What can CBD be used for? (Holly-Ann) CBD has shown to have many health benefits including, helping to support mental health like depression and anxiety, it has also shown to help with symptoms related to arthritis type illness and other illnesses related to Inflammation problems such as fibromyalgia. (Me) How do you administer CBD oil? (Holly-Ann) You can take CBD by ingesting it orally, under the tongue and holding it for a few minutes is usually recommended for better adsorption. You can also apply CBD topically onto the skin. (Me) Are there any other CBD products? (Holly-Ann) We have a wide range of products along side many different strength oils (including water soluble CBD) Bath bombs, Lip balm, Creams (formulas H, E and S) Coffee, Pet products, Lollies Gel balms (fire and ice) Vape liquid. (Me) How do you know which CBD products are genuine? (Holly-Ann) All genuine, high quality CBD companies should produce easy to access lab reports, these reports should be up to date with each new batch and be clear on the amount of compounds such as CBD % and THC %. Although we have found that some companies put up lab reports with numbers that do not match the alleged CBD content, we always recommend if you are unsure of a product even our own you source a friend that can help you with the maths. So, there we are, a few facts that I think will clear up any confusion of CBD oil and its products. If you think this might be a product that could help you with any ailments you have, give it a go. I've used it as a way to de-stress and take that 'edge' off from everyday problems and difficulties I've experienced. I will say advise, always talk to a pharmacist or your GP if you are unsure.



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