Marketplace Moan

Hello everyone! How are we all? Are you enjoying October, or is it just blending into every other month that has gone by so far this year?
I thought I'd write a blog post about what it's like selling on Facebook's Marketplace. The convenience of it is wonderful, the people who decide to waste your time are not! I understand that people have lives and things happen and plans must change, but for god sake, LET ME KNOW!!!!!
They ask if something is available, I reply "yes it is", and then they ignore the reply. Why do people do this? Do they get enjoyment from it? Do they think this is perfectly acceptable behaviour? Then there're the time-wasters who don't show up at all. Yes, I am at home all day, most days, but if you say you're going to collect an item then be a decent person and come to get it, or let me know you've changed your mind.
There's also the issue of people who ask about an item and you've had to put them off because someone else says they want it. But then don't show up. So now you have to go back to the person you've denied the item to and ask them if they are still interested in it!
Aaaaaand breathe....
I honestly didn't want to rant, but this has literally happened to me today already. First, this person said they'll come at "about dinnertime" as if I'm supposed to know what she regards as dinner time. Being a Southerner up North, it's hard to differentiate these terms that they use as standard hours of their time in the day. Dinnertime to a southerner is when you have dinner in the evening which isn't official to the actual time on a clock, just somewhere between 5 pm and 8 pm usually. (Northerners call this 'Tea, Pudding and then Supper'). But dinnertime to a southerner means lunchtime. When you have lunch. In the daytime. It's why we say "Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) This can stretch between 12 pm and 2 pm, (usually). So you can see my annoyance of using this method of time arrangement. I want an actual time in the day, not a rough estimate!
It is now one hour into "dinnertime". There's still no sign of her presence. I don't care what the item is or how much I'm selling it for, I just want her to collect it. I doubt it will happen.
I do acknowledge that this post has absolutely nothing to do with home education. It's just me ranting on about meaningless stuff in a time where there are much more important issues to be dealing with in the world. But I'm sick of hearing about C19 now. So moaning about meaningless things brings normality. I am a self-confessed moaner. I think it's a lot to do with the weather. We don't get a lot of sunlight or warmth up north. I was aware of this when we moved here. But getting older brings more aches and pains which isn't helped by the cold weather. Unfortunately, the NHS doesn't cover regular holidays abroad as a form of treatment for arthritis and such. Bummer! Of course, I'm just joking around, that's not a serious moan.
Now it is time to get going. More content and articles to write. More submissions and pitches to get through. I will write again at some point and hopefully, it will be a lot cheerier.