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What I've learnt.

This past month I have learned a lot of things. I have learnt that people never change. I have learnt that you don't always get back what you give. I have learnt that it's easy to assume and point the finger. I have learnt that things are always more complicated than you think. These have been hard lessons to learn and although it has been difficult, it's a good reminder that you must always keep your wits about you. Be careful to not drop the ball, make sure you have support, know who is reliable and always remember to have a backup plan. I will never let myself be so sloppy ever again. At least, I'll try no to. I now know what's what and who's who.

Life lessons are a pain in the butt but they are necessary and as long as you learn from them and don't keep making the same mistake, it's ok. Now, I made the mistake of assumption and thinking the odds would be on my side. STUPID! I was very upset for a while and felt hard done by but now some time has passed and the embarrassment has dwindled I'm doing ok.

Even though I've been going through some stuff it shows the kids those bad and sad things happen to people and you can't control it but you can move on and continue to be happy. Being an adult is hard and although I would love to shelter the kids from everything bad in the world, they must see that the Universe does not always give you a break and life often feels like it's punching you in the face. Yes, that sounds like a crappy lesson but it's fact....and it's free! Bonus!

On a much happier and lighter note, I have also learned how to grow loofah and they are growing quickly! I am now prepping their outside growing frame and praying that the ridiculous rain will stop being so aggressive. I need heat and sun. If I manage to grow just one loofah successfully I will be so happy. I have a dream of moving to Greece and growing loofah, it will definitely grow well there.

My Corfu bubble has been burst because there is now a real issue with the amount of rubbish in Corfu not being landfilled properly and the recycling centres not working efficiently. If anyone has ever been to Corfu, as beautiful as it is there, the rubbish on the roadside is a real epidemic. They are running out of space for the rubbish and they haven't been landfilling it correctly. People are now getting sick and the Governments and councils just aren't doing enough to fix the problem. I'm so sad for the Corfiot people. It's a real shame. So now I'm on the lookout for other places in Greece for holiday home potential. Although I loved the idea of being on one of the islands, I think mainland coast is going to be the location. One of my lessons learnt...always have a backup plan.

Some other great news is that my Sister is moving from her ususal stomping ground. She's making a move of 160 miles to be closer to us. It will be so lovely seeing her more often. We only have a small family so the kids will really enjoy having their Aunty around. We had a girls day out yesterday. Me, the girls my Mum and Sister. We all went to Scarborough for the day and had a lovely day. I forgot to take my camera but luckily *N had her phone with her and took loads of shots. We went on the hill climb tram, had a play about in the arcades, walked about the shops in the town and found a quirky little street with curiosity shops and a cat café. There was also a pirate ship, just like in Whitby. So I took the girls on it and sailed the sea for 15 minutes. It was great fun.

My Mum and Sister weren't so keen on it so we left them in the pub to watch some Karaoke. We all had a really lovely day and not one drop of rain fell, unlike today. My loofah will never grow in these conditions! Oh, and I found in the curiosity shop a first edition Gerald Durrell book called Encounters with Animals for just £7. I* talked me into buying it, I'm not to blame!

Well, that's me all caught up to date with everything. So thanks for reading, take care and see you soon. xx



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