I'm Back

After many months of not being able to write my blog or write even my signature, I finally have some answers as to why. I went for tests with a neurophysiologist and after waiting ages, for the results, it came back that I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome or nerve compression, which is a big relief. However, it meant that it was something else and even though wearing my bandages and splints for the majority of the day and through the night the doctor then went on to tell me that as it isn't carpal tunnel I could actually be making my hands and arms worse and causing more problems by wearing the bandages and splints. Great joy! Completely frustrated I then got another appointment to see my GP and see what else it could be. I'm having to wait over 2 weeks for this appointment so I was pretty deflated. But after getting an appointment to see my osteopath for my regular back cracking session I mentioned it to him. After 30 seconds of looking at my hands and arms, he applied intense pressure to my arm and twisted my wrists back and forth. Job done. Turns out my muscles were so tense that it was causing pain throughout my arms and into my hands. He showed me how to relived future pain too, which is great and so much better than having to eat ibuprofens like they're jelly tots.
Well, in the few months that I have been blog and copy free we have been doing some really lovely things. The main thing was that we had a holiday to Corfu. Nissaki was just so beautiful and Kalami Bay (home of The Durrells) was everything I hoped it would be. We rented a villa for the week high in the mountains overlooking Nissaki Bay with Corfu town across to the right and mountainous landscape across to the left.

The sunsets were picturesque and the thick greenery of olive trees, flowers, gigantic succulents, grasses, plants and cacti sprawled across the mountain. We watched boats sail across to Corfu town, party boats and cruise ships come and go, jet skiers zooming around and day boats exploring the coast. Unfortunately, we didn't get the chance to rent a day boat, maybe next time. We toured the White House in Kalami Bay and had an adventurous day in Aqualand. We took a drive over the north-west side and spent an afternoon at Loggas Beach from which I brought home the most fantastic twisty driftwood branch I've ever seen. God knows how it didn't break apart in my suitcase. I never wanted to leave and the holiday blues kicked well and truly in when we got home. But that's where I want to be. I just hope that one day we will get there. We have a plan, I hope it works out!
The next day after getting back I had a day trip with my Mum to Whitby. It was just so awesome! I call it Brighton on Ritalin. Super trendy with quirky shops and historic buildings and streets. Famous for the legendary writers Bram Stoker and Agatha Christy who were drawn to the town for it's atmospheric Abby and ruins. We climbed the 499 steps to the Abby and took baby steps down the hill on the way down. I had my very first pink gin and lemonade and we watched people go by with their dogs. Whitby is very welcoming of dogs and you'll look out of place not walking one. We ate the famous Whitby chips (minus the fish-we're vegan) and took a sail on a pirate ship. I want to take the kids there one weekend, they will love it!!

On a home ed side of things, we've gone autonomous. I'm not sure if I mentioned that in my last blog post? Maybe I should check these things first! It's super difficult letting go of the reins and I'm sure now and then I will throw in some academics. But it's a lot less stress and a lot fewer arguments, tears and tantrums about the work I'd researched and planned. A much more happy household. But we have covered basic to moderate division and multiplication which I'm super pleased about. I can breathe again!
We did start going swimming as a family but once a week for 45 mins costs £50 per month which didn't seem like a good deal seeing as the pool isn't very warm and we have to keep moving over to the side for other swimmers when the kids are learning and improving on their swimming. So instead we are going to go once a month to a water dome where the water is warm, the kids can play on slides and the outside whirlpool and you can stay all day for £25 (family of 5). It means with the other £25 that it would have cost us at the local pool per month we could have a day out somewhere (taking food with us-obviously) or a trip to the cinema (still taking food with us, because I refuse to pay cinema prices). Or just save the money for Christmas, probably the more sensible idea.
The hubz is bricking a wall in the back garden with the help of *I. It's a slow process as it's a home project and not paid work the wall sits waiting for completion. However, the hubz has received his city and guild level 1 diploma certificates and now awaiting year 2 at college in September.
For now, I have to say goodbye as it's movie night and everyone is looking at me to turn off the computer. So farewell for now, home edders. xx