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Half Term Round-up

It's the holidays and the kids are taking full advantage of sleeping in and lazing around. Today though we had to take *I to the dentist. One of her baby teeth loosened but half of it broke off and the other half just wouldn't budge. With a little numbing gel and quick tug with the dental pliers, it was out and *I went cold and clammy, bless her. She was ok and really brave, I thought she was going to cry at one point but she was just a bit shocked. Made a schoolboy error and forgot to ask for the half tooth so that tooth fairy can make steps with the two halves. Oops.

Earlier this week I ordered some books off of eBay. A few old classics that I think the kids will enjoy. My idea is that next week we can start a kind of book club. I choose the books they read and then at the end of the week we have a sit around the table and share what the book is about. I'm just trying to get them to expand their reading. I ordered The Lord Of The Flies for *N, The Secret Garden for *I and The Time Machine for *O. As it turned out The Lord Of The Flies was in a really bad state and so I've asked for a refund on it. Luckily though I also ordered Animal Farm (George Orwell) so *N can read that instead.

I ordered myself a book, even though I'm still reading Nineteen-Eighty-Four (which I started last January) which I must say isn't as awesome as I imagined, although very relevant to today's society and the future world. It started brilliantly, had a long dip and is now getting back to being interesting. Anyway, getting back to the new book, I ordered My Family And Other Animals by Gerald Durrell. After watching The Durrells on ITV I've become slightly obsessed about moving to Corfu.

Yesterday I went to Job Club, it's actually called Aspire, but we all know it's just Job Club. I actually learned that at the end of this "course" with Aspire I will get a certificate saying that I am efficient in employability skills because let's face it, without that laminated piece of gold, I'd never get a job! It's such an utter waste of time and finances. But the big surprise is that I met a fellow Truth-Seeker! We talked about ChemTrails, Smart meters, Zeitgeist, The Venus Project and Government Agenda. It was pretty rad! He even has an apocalypse plan! It was such a fun afternoon!

There's a married couple who also go there and they are well on the defensive about what information they give out, what paperwork they are signing and where their information goes and who stores it. It's so funny, I love it. You can tell none of the adult tutors have ever dealt with their type of questioning before. So now this poor woman has a room full of, what she would call, paranoid conspiracists. I'm looking forward to the next session hahaha.

I've been going on about CBD oil for a while now and with my aches and pains, headaches, muscle tension and bad sleeping pattern I thought I'd give it a go. As luck would have it their largest bottle at 5% strength (the highest strength the shop do) was on sale from £59.99 down to £29.95. It does taste pretty rank but it's not the worst thing in the world.

My doctor has prescribed me with some hardcore Vitamin D too so now I have a pharmaceutical smallholding in my kitchen. Each morning I'll have a concoction of anti-seizure pills, Vit-D, CBD, Selenium, paracetamol, antacids and a multivitamin drink of B2, B6 and B12. They're all lined up nicely on the windowsill and I should start to feel an improvement in 2-3 weeks. Sweet!

We have a new edition to the family, well kind of an old edition brought in from the shed. It's my old drum kit. *O said he'd like to learn to play -have I written about this already? I have the feeling I have, oh well never mind- anyway it's nice to have my kit in the house again after so many years. *O has only been on them a few times but I'm having fun trying to play along to Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'. To play it correctly is quite tricky, and I'm not having much luck just with the beginning fill. Being fully coordinated and keeping time is a lot harder than it used to be, seemed a lot easier 28 years ago! Anyway, it certainly blows away the cobwebs and wakes everyone up. The hubs has even thought about starting up with his guitar again and teaching the kids and *N has just been treated to a new keyboard from her Nanna so we might have ourselves a Trib-Fest going on by summer, the neighbours will love that!



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