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Hello, friends! I haven't been posting very regular, I've been feeling a bit, meh. But I need to wake myself up and get on top of things. It's 11:50 am and I haven't even got dressed yet. I was up late, mainly because I wasn't tired enough to sleep and so I was super tired this morning. But the kids love it and they get to lay-in too. As we home ed, it doesn't really matter.

Although I did have someone knock at the door 10 mins after I got up asking if we wanted to sell our car. So there I was in my jimjams, dressing gown and booty slippers asking him to talk to the hubs about it rather than me. It's a little weird that we advertise it for breaking last night and then someone comes rocking up this morning wanting to buy it whole. Anyway, the hubs can phone him back, I can't be dealing with it.

I've been bad again and rather than sticking to schedule I've left getting on with my course the day before it gets marked. I have to go and have it marked every week which is a pain, I hate going out and especially having an appointment about something. So this arvo, I'm up to my elbows in course work. Ughhh, yawn!

Although on Saturday just gone I did go out with my friends, who I talked about in my last post, who I haven't seen in about 18 months. But it turns out it was actually 15 months. As the night went on I realised my anxiety about going out of the house wasn't restricted to just me. We all felt at one point like cancelling. Which was quite comforting in a weird way. It's almost like the universe was working in its own strange way. The last time we all met up we had really great things happening in our lives, we all had something to celebrate. However this time we realised that things haven't been great for any of us over the past year in different ways. We've all been dealing with something, I think we kind of found it unifying. Saying that it wasn't a sombre night at all and we all said we were really glad we met up.

The hubs is back at college, well he started last week as the new term began. He said things have slightly settled down and the school leavers are starting to get on with their work more than usual. They've stopped the kids listening to the radio during the day and they seem to have calmed down. I know people say that music doesn't have an effect on behaviour but this kind of shows that it can do. It can affect mood, so why not behaviour?

Today I'm baking with *O and we're making vegan fruit cake. We've never baked it before so I'm hoping it will come out well. He enjoys baking now which is nice and gives him a break from just worksheets and online work. I've recently re-introduced the limit of screen time and it's really nice to see the kids actually doing something constructive and imaginative for a change. *O made a den yesterday and slept in it, he was super pleased with himself and so he should be, he needs a little confidence boost at the moment. One of his friends isn't being very nice and he's had to block him online. Another friend is having some family issues and so he rarely gets to see him anymore, and his last friend is literally just online. But as I always tell the kids it's better to have one or two good diamonds than a whole bag of coal.

Before I go I've found some great maths worksheets that use emoji's in the equations, it makes it seem like a bit of fun. It's on the website and they have easy, medium, and hard levels. I'm not affiliated or advertising for them, just a good find.



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