Goodbye, 2018

We're almost at the end of the year and what a year it has been! I'll be glad to see the back of it. That's a ridiculous thing to say really because your troubles and problems don't just end because you start a new year. I wish that was the case though. All the disasters, the upset, the stress and the worries, all gone within a second of the new year. Wouldn't that be awesome?!

Although this past year has been stressful, I'm now able to move forward from that. Yes, we've fought and lost disability appeals but now it's over, I've been angry, upset, and fell into a bit of a slum over it

but now I've accepted it and it's time to move on from it. There's nothing more I can do, you can't always fight the powers that be and so you have to find a different way to live no matter how that affects, disrupts or makes your daily life harder. But now the battle is lost and over it's one less migraine I don't have to deal with. In a way, it's a good thing.
Now, all I can do is prepare for the future. Here I go again with my ideas and plans! Home Ed has been pretty smooth since September and so I don't think I'll change too much, to begin with. If anything I would like to bring more structure to the week, however with my poor sleeping patterns it's very hard to stick to that.

So the next best thing I can do if I need to sleep in is set work out the night before. Maybe not things like maths but maybe some English and spell check, reading, or online learning.
*I has a few friends from her last school she attended that are going to be home educated. In fact, I think a couple already are. As tempting as it is to start a new home ed group I've very much learnt my lesson when it comes to starting social groups.
I've done it in the past, a ladies only social group for my local community.

There was a lot of good fun times but there was also a lot of bitchy-ness and drama. I'd really had enough of it after a year. Anyway, I've learnt from my experience and I'll remind myself that it's not worth the brain-melt!
So what will 2019 bring? Well, for me, I'll be focused on my course and maybe, if I can get a placement, I'll be taking up some voluntary work. There's a charity that works with people with mental health issues and they hold crafting afternoons.

It's a bit like art therapy I suppose but as a volunteer, I don't have to have a degree in art and psychology and it will give me an insight to what it could be like working in the mental health sector and whether I want to continue any more courses.
The hubs will be continuing with his City and Guilds brickwork course at college. If all the stars align he might even land an apprenticeship which will cut the course down by half.
I'll have another published article in January and I think I'll be continuing with that, building up a portfolio before taking it to the next stage.

The vegan dog treats idea, I've decided, can go on the back burner for now. It's a viable business idea but right now just isn't the right time. I'm making prioritising a priority!
Most importantly, I'm NOT going to make any new years resolutions. They usually end in failure and I hate that feeling. This year I became a vegan because of ethical reasons

and have adapted a lot easier than I thought I would which goes to prove that you don't need the new year to change and if you put yourself under pressure to change you most likely won't achieve what you set out to do.
I probably won't write another blog this year so have a wonderful Christmas and super new year. Wishing everyone all the best for 2019 !!