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On A "Go Slow"

We have a saying where I'm from, it's called on a "Go Slow". Basically, it's a slowing down of work when you have little to do so that you will have something to do and not get sent home early from your job and end up not getting paid. Or it can mean to stretch out work so that you aren't overloaded with extra work from a boss who wants to overwork and underpay you.

Well, here at home ed HQ we're on a go slow. I'm lessening the lesson time because we're getting to the stage where they really don't want to do topics and so the only thing I can march forward with is Maths and English which gets very tiresome very quickly. The kids are completing worksheets quicker than I can research and print them out. So this is why I've had to slow them down with the run-up to the Christmas break.

*N is the oldest and she completed junior school so I didn't really have much to get through with her. She's done so much work since her time home edding that other than continuing with practising maths and spellings she really isn't interested in doing anything else. So there's not much that I can really expand on with her.

*I still loves baking so that's her thing and with the new lifestyle of being vegan she now has a whole range of new recipes to practice with. As for core studies, she prefers a variety of workbooks, worksheets and choosing her own things to learn. Today she did a lovely piece of artwork which she hasn't done in a long time, so that was really nice to see her do something different.

*O is still a little tech head. He likes to do work online, which if he's learning then I have no problem with. To be honest it makes home edding a bit easier and the work doesn't run out as quickly either. So it's beneficial all round. He can just get on with it and if he makes a mistake his work isn't, in his mind, ruined. He can just delete any mistakes on a computer and it will still look neat.

The younger two still have quite a lot to learn as far as core studies go. I haven't worked them as brutally as they would be at in mainstream. They might not be able to tell me what a fronted adverbial is but neither can most adults if you ask them. So I'm not going to lose sleep about it. They will learn at their own pace and as long as I'm teaching them and they are learning I can't ask for more really.

I think I really need to stop thinking that they NEED to be doing projects and topics on a regular basis. Who says they do? Who remembers projects and topics they did at school and can honestly say it's had an impact on their life? Sure if they have an interest in something then encourage it but if they don't then OK. Eventually, something might spark an interest but until then, just be happy that they're happy, am I right? Of course, I'm always right! Well, not always. But some of the time.

As for me, I think I might have already mentioned it, I'm signed up to a Mental Health Awareness course. I went for a short 10-day assessment as I'll have to do all the way through the course just to make sure I'm on track. And I am, which is reassuring. Although I'm only a few questions in on it I'm already beginning to think it might not be for me. Although the salary for someone working in the Mental Health industry is rather tempting. Plus working nights and weekends (which is all I'll be able to do) brings even more honey to the pot. There's a job going for working evenings at a care unit for men with mental health issues and personality disorders. I don't really fancy doing that to be honest, I think I'd be in a constant state of worry and paranoia, but the pay is phenomenal. Well, compared to anything I've ever earned it is.

So I was thinking that once the course is complete I could write content or copy write about Mental Health for companies wanting publishings. That way I don't have to leave the comfort of my house, I don't have to work with anyone or have a sh***y boss in my ear, there's no issues of actually getting to work (as I'm not allowed to drive for health reasons), I can work from anywhere, and I can keep my home/work life balance on an even keel and not be exhausted from working nights and weekends. Perfect! Now all I have to do is make it happen.



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