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They Must Think I'm Stupid!

I got THE MOST amazing letter from Lincs home ed department!! Inviting us all to a 'Relationships And Health Event For Families Who Home Educate'.

These letters make my day because it makes me feel like I'm one step ahead of "The Man"

They must think we're totally thick if they think I'm going to that! This is the purpose of the event.....

"We are holding a Health Event and invite you to come along and talk to a range of agencies that can provide support and advice about keeping children physically and emotionally healthy in this increasingly digital world.

Please drop in for an hour, or stay for the whole event".

*Oral Health *Kooth- online counselling service for young people *Young inspectors *Healthy minds- emotional wellbeing support service *Internet safety *Online training opportunities *Healthy lifestyle support *Children's tabletop activities

No, we will not be attending. Obviously, they realise people don't want the LA coming into their homes to assess their kids they're going to dress it up as a fun event just for home edders!

As if I can't see this fake concern they have. This is the way they get their data for the home ed Bill without intruding into people's homes. Clearly a new way to promote the government agenda. They really do think we are dumb AF !!!

Also, let me know that the flu vaccines are due and to book online.....hahahahhaa, no thanks. But "if we refuse the vaccine please go online anyway and give a reason". This, apparently, will help them plan and improve the service. Like F am I giving them any info online!



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