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This past week I have come across a page on Facebook that I got quite excited about. It's called Eco-Bricks, and it's a great way of recycling single-use plastic that becomes useful for building with. It's a really simple idea that will hopefully help to cut down single-use plastic that cannot be recycled. You basically take a fizzy drink bottle, wash it out and dry it then stuff it full of all your single use plastic wrapping and bags. The bags and wrapping must be clean so you need to wash out those crisp packets and dry them before stuffing them into the bottle. You'll need to use some kind of stuffing tool like a long handled mixing spoon or dowel rod etc and realy pack down the plastic. Once you have filled one you can start on another. Collect up a bunch of them and then take them to your nearest collection point. You can find these points on the Facebook page that I have given at the start of this blog post. Check first that you are able to get to a collection point and if you're not, maybe see if you have any friends or family that can take them for you. More collection points will hopefully be popping up across the country or you can choose to be a collection point for your area if you have the space for it.

You can find out a lot more about Eco-Bricks on the Facebook page about how the Eco-Bricks are shipped and what they are used for. It's really interesting!

I love to find new ways to be eco-friendly and I'm trying to get the kids involved too. Unfortunately they just look at me like I'm an alien. Sometime I feel like I am one. By the look on their faces I can tell they think I'm crazy and it's weird. But it's cut down my recycling bin by half. I never realised before that you can't recycle plastic wrapping so I was actually not helping the environment like I thought I was. I've stuffed one whole bottle and a quarter of a second one so far. I'm collecting the fizzy drink bottles ready for future bricks. Of course, the husband rolls his eyes! Yet something else I'm trying to do to save the world in my tiny eco-warrior world! But it's all in jest. Well, it won't be when he has to drive for one and a half hours to the nearest collection point from where we live. But hey, it's a day out. Plus I'll make sure I stuff at least 50 bottles before we make the trip.

So If you think it's something you would like to do, jump on it! There's absolutely nothing to lose. All it will cost is petrol to get to your collection point and if you get your friends and family involved, you can split the cost of the travel. It's a fantastic idea and the world can certainly do with more of those!



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