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My First Publication

It's happened! I never thought I could do it but I have. My very first article about home education has been published. Now, It's only in a local community magazine and I didn't get paid for it, but I really don't care. I have no educational background in writing, I've never had a job copywriting or proof reading and the magazine itself is actually very popular and reaches quite far as well as being online. If anyone is interested you can check it out here (you might have to copy and paste) :-

It's on page 42 and it's a half page spread. It's not a big deal to many people but it's a big deal to me. I never thought I could accomplish anything like this and with thoughts of going freelance, it's really boosted my confidence to take it further.

I was very surprised when they accepted my story and actually seeing it in print is quite a warming feeling. It's not just a conversation with someone, a lot of people are going to read it. Not just people interested in home education but maybe people who have no idea home education is even an option or people who feel like they might be judged by family or friends if they choose to home ed. I'm trying to put out the message that home education isn't some second-rate education with hippy-dippy parents (although I am quite....alternative....shall we say). It's open for all families in the UK. You have choices other than mainstream, you have the opportunity to learn and grow with your child/ren and you have the chance to reconnect with your kids if you feel like mainstream has created a distance between you. Anyway, I'm proud of myself and I don't often take credit for myself. More often than not I'm critical of anything I do. It makes a nice change.

Other news...

A few weeks ago I was really upset that my doctor hinted that I should lose some weight. There is always a diplomatic way of telling a person they could do with losing a few pounds (in my case, stones) and when you're already quite aware of that fact you don't need the doctor saying "you are carrying significant extra weight". In other words "you're obese". Nice. Thanks for that. In front of my kids and mum too. I was so embarrassed.

So since then, I have been trying to lose weight. I've been trying the weight watchers pro points for 6 weeks and can't really say I noticed any difference. However about 10 days/2 weeks ago I decided to turn vegan and since then I've lost loads. 9lbs to be exact and I'm well happy! I haven't done any exercise and because it's a life choice I'm not on a diet. Which is great because now I don't feel guilty when I have something sugary. Yay!! My oldest daughter and my mum have also turned to the vegan side and I've decided that our doggy Lillypigs should try it too. I've been looking up vegan dog dinner and treats and it's amazingly easy and she really thoroughly enjoys it. Much more than her regular shop bought food we had previously fed her on. Here's the video of the first trial of Lillys vegan dog food if you're interested. (Again, you might have to copy and paste) :- Well, that's about everything for now, so I'll see you all soon. xx



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