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I'm just going to say it. I've designed my own Website. It feels weird saying it, it feels weird talking about it, and it feels weird that one day I might even launch a business. I don't know why I get embarrassed about saying that? I guess over the years I've just thought that people like me don't have their own business. I'm one of the worker bees. But before we had kids and went to work I hated being a worker bee, so you'd think the opportunity to be self-employed would appeal to me. It does, I'm just scared I guess. I hate failing at things and the thought of failure is enough to put me off doing it at all. But I have to do it. I have to become self-employed and I have online so that I can work from home and in the bigger picture, anywhere in the world. This idea I have is my only shot, really. There are lots of things I can do but nothing else like this where I can work from anywhere with WiFi. Not that I'm planning on leaving England anytime soon. But the thought is nice. Some day's I'm like, "YES! I'm gonna make this happen" and then other days I'm telling myself "This is stupid, there's too much competition, you're wasting your time". The thing is, right at this point in time I'm unable to go self-employed. If I don't get any clients I'll lose too much money and won't be able to afford my out-goings. So, as usual, I have a plan. It's a little long winded full of if's and but's and a good chance it won't work out (I won't bore you all with the details) But if that plan doesn't work out, then I'll just have to wait until the hubs is a qualified bricky. Once his money is covering everything it won't matter if my business falls flat. If you follow my Facebook page you'll find the link to preview my website and leave some feedback before I fully finish it. I'd appreciate the constructive advice and will take all opinions on board to make the site as appealing as possible. You'll have to excuse what may look unprofessional, I've never made one before and to be honest I have no idea what I'm doing. Well, I'm winging it, that's what I'm doing. So here's my Facebook link if you want to pop over there and check out my Life coaching website.



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