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It started last week. *I got sick which has developed into a chest infection, then *N started with it, then the hubs, and now *O. I'm ok at the moment. I'm pretty sure I'll end up catching it too. Hopefully, if I do it will be once I've cared for everyone else and they're all better. Not only have I got a bunch of poorly sicks in the house but we've had yet another case of the dreaded hair hitchhikers and a possible case threadworm for one of the kids and the whole family has to be treated. Such a goddamn pain. Now I know this is all pretty gross but I did promise to share the good, the bad, the fun and the vile. Well, you've got it.

On a plus side, I've had my middle girl home all week, although, under horrid circumstances, it's been nice to see her all day long. I really do miss her. Just as I do when *N goes off to college during the week.

Now because they're all poorly there's been no home ed in the house this week. So as you know from my last blog post I wrote an article for a local magazine and it has been accepted!! So it will feature in next months edition. It's quite exciting for little old me who's not got any real qualifications other than some GCSEs.

Since that the hubs and my Mum has suggested it take this writing thing further. I do like the idea and this evening on LinkedIn I found a new startup company advertising for a freelance writer and not requiring any background in writing or journalism. It seems perfect. I wrote the covering letter and have now reconsidered so didn't bother sending it off. I'm in two minds, It would mean going self-employed and I'm really unsure about it.

I've had quite a few self-employed ideas lately. All good ideas but no guarantee of earning a regular income to cover costs. If I don't earn any money, sell any products or get any clients I'm £150 worse off per month than I am at the moment on JSA. So, for the time being, I'm going to work on my Lifestyle and Confidence Coaching website and maybe offer some free sessions for testimonial exchange, try to get some more articles published for writing experience, and save up so that I can invest in a startup kit and eventually try my hand at selling products alongside a guaranteed income.

Maybe I'll do all three and maybe I'll be able to make up the £150 per month I need to get me off of JSA and work from home. No more Job Club Carol to have to deal with. Clueless Carol's favourite phrases are "oh I'm not sure", "I can't remember", and "I'll have to find that out and get back to you" and never does. They should give me her job. I know more about tax credits and universal credit than she does.

Well, it's 01:37 and I'm ready for sleepy time. The hubs is in bed and I can hear him snoring from down downstairs. So I think I'll take the uncomfortable sofa or grab the sun lounger from the utility room and set it up in the front room!



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