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I'm well aware that I'm probably too old to actually say this out loud in public and probably 2 years too late to use it in a blog but yesterday I had a "boo-yah" moment! Someone, who has been following my blog (I won't name names) took my online home ed course/guide and not only read through the whole thing but decided to home educate her son and use the de-reg template! I am just so happy. But my happiness isn't just for the fact that this lovely lady read my course, it's because I've managed to reach out and help someone. I have a super fuzzy feeling in my tummy and even if no one else ever reads it or even if they read it and think it's crap, it doesn't matter. I've helped one family and that's a great feeling! I'm currently working on an article about home ed and am hoping it will get chosen for print in a local magazine. I must have changed it about 15 times now and keep writing and rewriting. I think I'm happy with it now. The only reason I decided I wanted to write it was because of a previous artical I'd read in the magazine about how a school education is so important and how children should be pushed to acheive high and get good exam results. Putting a large emphisis on academics, testing and results. I was livid! Which I know is totally irrational because it's just someones opinion and I probably rile people all the time with my opinions. But articals telling parents to put emphisis on grades and push their kids to do well academically really upsets me. So I just wanted to balance the scales. But it's Sunday evening now and I have a few things in mind for *O to do for the week ahead. We've had a chat and he wants to make another cake, learn how to bath Lillypigs (our dog), take a trip down to the library and help me plant a fruit tree in the garden. Plus there'll be all the usual stuff in between. He really loves watching Miraculas and Alvin and the Chipmunks so I'm going to print off some colouring sheets from the internet. *I is poorly and so she's off school tomorrow so she will be resting up all day with hot drinks and toast, and *N has to hand in her very 1st college assignment. She loves that she was allowed to type it out and didn't have to hand write it. All that practice to have neat and cursive handwriting just to be told to type out your assignments when you go to college. Madness!



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