Our doggy, Lillypigs.

This is our dog, Lilly. We call her Lillypigs because she snorts like a piggy and has a very pink under belly and ears and when she lays on her back waiting for tummy rubs you could easily mistake her for a pig. But she's a super adorable staffy cross and we recused her 3 years ago. It wasn't easy at the beginning with her. She had a lot of trouble understanding bounderies and it took a very long time for her to understand her place in the house. But we got there and I'm so pleased we didn't give up on her when it got to breaking point and thought I couldn't take anymore. Our other staffy rescue (who's now gone to the stars to rest) fit right in straight away and so I think I had in mind it would be just as easy. But it doesn't matter now, we kept going and I'm glad we did. She's such a luvvy now. This is what happened today..... Lillypigs is missing the hubs and the girls not being at home. *for those who don't know for the past 4 years hubs has been my carer, the last 3 years we've home ed all the kids. Now *I is back at school (her choice) *N has started college and the hubs has also started college to change direction* Hubs came home for lunch and to take *N back with him to college and as they left ,Lilly follwed them out taking her biscuit bone with her and refused to come back inside. Hubs had to pick her up and bring her back inside and as soon as he put her back indoors she run out and waited on the path for him. I called her in and thought she was going to come inside, instead she just put her biscuit bone on the front step as if to say, "ok what if leave biscuit? now I come?" Hubs didnt have time to wait so I had to pick her up and as I carried her back indoors she stretched her legs out towards the door frame as if to grab hold of it like a child refusing to come inside. It was hysterical. I had to call *O to quickly come and shut the door behind me. Bless her. She wasn't happy about not being allowed to go she went upstairs and took her biscuit bone with her. She sat on *N's bed eating it like a sulky child. Never known a dog like her! She makes me laugh everyday, I do love her!