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You know you're over 35 when....

Over the last 3 years I've had 4 vacume cleaners. Each time taking it back for a replacement with an argument in store over my consumer rights. Last Thursday was the last straw. My hubs took back the vacume for a refund after the motor died and a cloud of smoke had oozed out of the sides. As I've only had it for about 3 months you'll understand my annoyance. After much arguing in the shop to get our money back eventually the hubs comes out with store credit. Not ideal but hey ho, it's credit towards a new one. This time I'm investing in something with a bit more kick rather than keep having to replace a cheaper version. I'm quite surprised at how quickly they kept breaking as it was a Hoover make. However I've now dragged myself into the 21st Centuary and invested in a Gtech Pro. Can't quite let go of the bag just yet but now I'm cordless and feel like the Ironman of house wives. I have a 4 hour charge up Li-ion battery, I have an L.E.D headlight just incase I want to vacume in the dark, and I have the choice of max or eco settings. Now I laugh in the face of plugs, floor settings, and stretchy hoses that pull the vacume over when you stretch them too far. I'm excited, I'm hardcore, and I'm in store-card debt. 12 whole interest free months before I have to pay anything. Lets just hope the Gtech lasts that long. You know you're over 35 when you get excited about buying an over priced hoover. Ok, so talking about my vacume investment isn't very exciting nor is it anything to do with home ed and so I shall move on. But just before I do I want to let you know that I decided to make a Facebook page that is connected to this blog. I think it might help drive more traffic to my blog as I'm not actually paying monthly for this site and so it doesn't reach many people. Here is the link for it or you can go to Facebook and search @DiaryOfAHomeEdLife Now, onto home ed... *O and I have started our new routine this week, well, I say routine but it's more fitting in some work where we can at the moment. The hubs and *N's college timetables aren't yet fixed in concrete. They say it could take a couple of weeks to settle down as they allow the month of September to enroll late comers. So until then I'm trying out some new free online sites and getting to grips with telling the time. He doesn't realise how well he's progressing as he's the type of kid who likes to be able to get it right straight away. He hates practicing but it's something he has to learn. I bought some cursive writing practice books too. We've had a go but he also doesn't like when his work isn't neat and when he writes joined up his writing isn't as clear. I know maybe I should push him to practice but I don't see the point in upsetting him when he already hates writing as it is. He enjoys typing and so he's continuing with touchtyping online and we're going to focus on spellings a lot more this term. The one thing I really want to breakdown is multiplication and division. With the girls at school and college now I think he might find it easier to concentrate on. It's a really important part of maths and the sooner he learns it the better. I don't think junior schools take enough time to ensure the kids know exactly how to work it out. Even as a kid myself the school moved on before I got the hang of multiplication and division. It was actually my big sister who taught me how to work it out.

So by October everyone should know when they're in college and when they're home. *N isn't allowed to do work experience because of her age and so instead we're waiting to hear about her joining Senior Section Guides and helping out with the Rainbows sessions. It's good experience for her college course and also she will earn a Young Leader qualification. Winner winner!!



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