Marshall, The Big Green Bear!

There was a competition at our local shopping centre, it was to name this big green bear and staff at the centre would pick a favourite. Now, our 3 actually chose their names for the bear and then my hubs chimes in with, "what about Marshall?" which is the name of the shopping centre. Middle girly straight away changes her name choice which was Bailey. And what a good decision she made because she ended up winning! The prize was a hamper of sweets and she was so happy. She had her photo taken for the local paper and social media too. It was lovely to see her so happy and she's looking forward to sharing the news at school tomorrow. As you can see in the picture above, Marshall is a big old beauty of a bear, I was hoping he would be the prize! Today (I'm writing this at 2:05 in the morning) I have one of my courses to go to. The Introduction to Self Employment. I've been really thinking about how I can set up since last week and been trying to reach out to other coaches on linkedin and on facebook. No one seems to give me a straight answer on any of the questions I have. They seem to be more concerned with getting me to sign up to their email and actually coach me. I don't want coaching, I just want a few tips and advice. However I've come to the reality that it's best to get a job around home life and set up as a side hussle to begin with and see where it leads to. I know many people will say that if I'm serious I should put all my efforts into making my business work. That's all very well but when you're relying on benefits you can't just go self employed and live on self belief. Here in the real world we need a thing called money to get by. But until then I will research everything I can and do the best to make it happen. I've got myself a bit of a 10 year plan. My Osteo says I should have a 5 year plan. He has plans for triathalons and such. But my plans require a few more years to get where I want us to be. 4 years for the hubs to complete his trade training after which 6 years of working on site will hopefully allow us to buy our house. By the end of 10 years our eldest girl would have finished college and moved into her chosen career, passed her driving test and earning enough money to pay for her dream car, maybe even be living in her own place (I hope not, I don't want any of them to leave...I'm a proper Beverly Goldberg). Middle girlie would have finished college by then and if her interests don't change may even be running her own cupcake business. And our boy might still be in college. No idea doing what as yet, maybe he can follow in his Dad's footsteps and if we end up having our own business maybe we could be called "Tribiani & Son". As for me, with any luck I'll be coaching and be successful with it. But my end game absolute goal is to be able to buy a holiday home in Greece. Something we can all enjoy, use as an income, keep for a retirement plan and have something to leave for our kids. That's a big dream right?! Well it might come true, stranger things have happened. I actually don't like to plan because alot of the time life throws a curve ball and changes everything for you, but I think I'm just a crazy bohemian romantic that cant help herself. I blame The Durrells. If you've never seen it I thoroughly recommend it. You'll understand my dream afterwards. Have a great week, my people :)