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I'm job searching, which is actually really hard when you haven't been in work for 15 years. I'm attending various workshops which apparently is now the thing people do to help them back into work. So far, I have attended a CV workshop (self explanatory), a Social Media Hidden Market course (how to set up a LinkedIn account and network), and most recently An Introduction to Self Employment. I'm thinking of moving away from volunteering my Life Coaching and Mentoring skills to actually charging for my services. I can't say it hasn't been helpful because I have learnt some new things about what employers are looking for on a CV nowadays and not just your employment history and GCSE results like back in the day. I've been offered future training to help run a workshop at the centre called Pathway to Wellness. Thinking it would result in a paid position I have agreed to it but recently found out it's just to be able to volunteer on the programme. Total bummer. My husband has enrolled for a full time brick laying construction course at our local college. It was his first day today and I'm really proud of him. It's not easy going back to college as a mature student when you're surrounded by all the school leavers. He came home at lunch to see me which I absolutely love because I miss him so much when he's not at home like he has been for the past 4 years being my carer. But he came with some news which he wasn't expecting. He was under the impression that the course run for 2 years and then he would be able to go on site and start earning. Not the case and it's actually 4 years. Years 1 & 2 is to pass the C&G Diploma's and years 3 & 4 is to pass the NVQ level 1 & 2. He was so deflated but he's going to stick with it and to be honest I think if he had known that from the start he wouldn't have enrolled on the course so it's a good thing. Our middle girl, I* went back to school today. I cried on the way out of the school yard. She's already stressing about SAT's and a horrid little cow in her class that gave her agro on her 6 week trial. I keep telling her that she can always stay home and she doesn't have to be there. But she insists that she does want to be at school and enjoys it even with that little rat dropping trying to upset and annoy her. So until she changes her mind, I have to let her go. *holds back tears whilst typing* The most amazing news though is that our eldest Daughter, N*, has also enrolled for college at 14 years old on a childcare/health and social care course. She starts tomorrow and I'm super proud of her. We all are. Because she is young they give all under 16's a 6 week trial period incase they decide they aren't quite ready for college yet. But she's really excited and so much braver than I was at her age. I only wish she realised how much so. God I love her, she's amazing!. xxx Just goes to show that you don't need school to get into college. While I was there with her I overheard a lot of the school leavers being asked what their grades were from school. The vast majority of kids got a D/grade3 or below and some didn't have any qualifications yet they still all got accepted onto their chosen course along side doing functional skills in English and Maths. So all of those extra subjects you have to do for GCSE's is absolutely pointless. If a child from the age of 14 can choose a career option and start the course along with functional Maths and English then why are kids having to do GCSE's at all? I really hope the education system starts to catch up with our society soon because it is making no sense at the moment. So the Hubz and N* are at the same college, I* is at school and O* is at home with me. He's loving having me all to himself again like when he was a bubba. I'm still home edding him but looking for employment that fits around home ed. The poor dog is so confused about where everyone is now. She wanders around the house in search of everyone. bless her. I'm wondering how many other people have a sudden change in their home ed routine? How do they cope with change? I'm not loving it, it has to be said, but I am proud of my little beastlings and the hubs.



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