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A Day Of Happy

I woke up earlier than usual, not through choice just unable to get comfortable. But I made the best of it and decided that today I'm choosing to be HAPPY about everything and enjoyed the hour I had to myself relaxing in the silence. One hour later and the hubz is up and putting on the T.V. I hate T.V in the morning but was glad I didn't miss Piers Morgan crucifying former US congressman, Joe Walsh on his faux pas in the new T.V series created by Sacha Baron Cohen. Piers was totally on point and made clear that regardless of getting fooled you can't apologise for promoting kindergarten gun handling. You either agree with it or you don't. What kind of a person would happily promote such behaviour for the sake of a pay check? Anyway, it was T.V gold and I'm looking forward to watching the actual show. Middle girly, *I, went off to school happy with her Dad and then I went to get dressed myself. After *N and *O were up, fed and watered, we had the horrendous job of ridding our heads from those B*****D hitch hiking hair critters. *I has only been at school for 6 weeks and we already have an attack of head lice. (Yet another thing that angers me about mainstream). There's pretty much nothing positive about head lice BUT because I've found a great shampoo to use for the wash out afterwards it means you only have to wash twice rather than spending 20 minutes bent over the bath, back breaking, arms aching trying to get out oily lice lotion. It's the old faithful and trusted Vosene. I don't know why I haven't thought of it before. So that made me happy. I had alot of bedding to wash too, not usually a thing to be happy about but the weather is awesome so it means I don't have to use the tumble dryer. I'm happy.

Later on was my Osteo appointment. It's not cheap but I got £5 off as I refered a friend. Happy! And although it's painful being worked on I feel like a new person when I leave. So that always makes me extra happy. Everyone enjoyed dinner and now I'm sitting writing this post and watching The Dog Whisperer. Oh how I love Cesar! I think he has actual magical powers, and I've learned so much from watching his shows. Happy happy happy! The hubz has just brought me a cuppa because he's amazing and although he doesn't drink tea himself he makes the perfect cup. Tea = HAPPINESS! It's the small things that you need to find happiness in. They all add up and by noticing them and appreciating them you'll find happiness in no time. Anyone can do it. And best of all, it doesn't cost anything and that makes me very HAPPY!



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