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Chill For Now

I really wish I was in the sea as chilled as this piggy but I'm currently in my garden listening to my Summer Instrumental Playlist that I've made on You Tube and have my scrumptious boy standing over my shoulder reading every word I'm writing and pointing out all of my typo's. Not annoying at all, *rolls eyes*. Love him really. Maximum effort, say's Deadpool.....I say maximum volume! (well as much as my laptop will go to). I need it loud today with my neighbours over the back making very shouty annoying noise and what I believe might be their idea of singing. I guess I'm just as bad with my music playing but music is universal and pleasing, unlike screaming children and parents yelling as though they're conjuring the dead.

Ahhhh "Liberian Girl" by MJ in instrumental...Bliss. Now I wish my laptop would be even louder! Anyway the sun is shining, flowers are fully stretched out worshiping the sun and there's a warm breeze a'blowing, I'm watching the bee's shove their tiny faces into the flowers sprouting from a pot on the table and thinking how lush the world can be. Although the hubs did find a dead bat today which was sad. We gave him (or her) a little burial because the thought of putting in the poor bat in the bin is just unacceptable to me. However, birds are twittering and there's not a chem trail in the sky. Hubs is chillin' watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, the girls are out with their Nanna, but little *O's bored and too hot to wear anything other than his PJ shorts and watch repeats of Alvin and the Chipmunks and Miraculous.

It's the last week of school next week for *I and that means, for us at home, spending time finishing off a few work sheets and cancelling subscriptions to online learning platforms. Nothing major and all completely do-able in theory as long as no more appointments get thrown in during the week. However I do want to spend some time arranging a new note book with everything planned for next term so that I don't have to think about it for the rest of the summer. I don't mind to be honest because it mean's I get some quiet time alone while I "work" on next term's projects and plan some free or at least cheap and cheerful days out during the holidays. At home we're planning out a water feature. The only materials we will need is cement and the water pump because we're very much into reusing building materials going free on selling sites. We were lucky enough to have my Mum give us her car trailer so we can collect large quantities of things. If we do need some money to buy something we might sell some bricks or slabs etc or try to trade something. I think the sound of trickling water is lovely and so relaxing and calms a busy mind. Which brings me round to Home Ed again. Next term I'm thinking of introducing more calming techniques, maybe try out mindfulness or meditation and some yoga. I'm not sure that will go down as well as I'm hoping but I think it's important to try everything once...within reason. I'm really getting into holistic therapies at the moment and want to learn how to practice Hopi Ear Candling. I don't think there is much skill involved but I'm really interested in how the process works throughout different parts of the ear and the history behind it. Hot Stone Therapy is another one I'm thinking about, but you have to have a qualification in full body massage to learn it. I'm unable to massage professionally because of the arthritis in my thumbs. So I'm a little gutted about that. As my inner bohemian/hippy grows so does my interest in more natural remedies and practices. Not something they learn about in mainstream school. So I'm keen to crowbar that into next terms learning at some point. Jeez it's 15:21 already. I must have spent about 3 hours writing this because of being called for this and that. It's ridiculous, but the sun is still shining and everyone is happy so today is a good day. Happy Sunday, everyone!



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