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This month is begining to fill up my calendar with appointments and house visits, clubs and summer fairs, workmen and house assessments. It's only the 3rd! I shouldn't complain, alot of it benefits us but there's just something about having to wait in or be somewhere on time that I hate. It puts me in a bad mood, which is totally ridiculous because there's no reasoning for it. As I'm writing this my daughter has just come in from school wafting letters under my nose with, I'm guessing, more things to write on the calendar to go and do. One is about a change to the school dinners during the hot weather, so hurrah! The other, however, is a reminder of a Homework Show and Celebration of Class Work this Friday. Didn't even know it was happening in the first place no matter a reminder letter. But great, the one day I had free this week is now over shadowed by an afternoon of sitting in a stuffy hall looking at 30 odd kids' school work (and homework) I couldn't really care less about. moooooooan. Today we had an asbestos check before the council come and fit new windows into our property. It's our area's turn for windows and bathrooms this half of the year which will be really awesome because the old windows don't have the little vent thing at the top and I'm always cleaning off mould spots from the sill's and framing. So that will be nice and they are triple glazed too so with any luck it will help cut heating bills in the winter. It will also be great to get a new bathroom because whoever designed our current bathroom must have had the smallest legs in the world. The toilet faces the sink side-on in the corner of the room with the sloping part of the roof directly over head and the end of the bath immediately to the right. You have to shuffle your way though a 30cm gap to sit down and be prepared for bruised knees on the sink unit afterwards. The council bathrooms are perfectly nice but you don't get a choice of shower or bath anymore and they only replace where everything already is. Not for us though. My OT is issuing a refurb because of my medical needs. So they will be switching around the loo and sink both forward facing and they'll put in an extended tray shower. They will also be moving the radiator and putting on a sliding door. I'm so happy about it. I just wish I didnt get so anxious about people coming round. I don't even know why I get like that. Anyone else feel that way ? Maybe I'm just a bit of a hermit at heart. I do have a sign on the front door saying "Letters, parcels, family, friends and appointments only". I know it may seem rude but no, I don't want to change my beliefs, sign up for charities with direct debits, or switch utility companies. This also goes for all telephone cold callers who call me at least once a day. I have a bit of a laugh with those guys though. I agree to answer their consumer surveys if they agree to sing "I'm A Little Teapot" on speaker phone while I stream them live on facebook. So far no one want's to join in. Well this week I've had health professionals come round to discuss how my seizures over the past 3 years have had an effect on my brain. To put it simply, nothing to be too concerned about but a noticable effect has been detected compared to a healthy brain. There's nothing they can do about it so I just carry on as usual. The positive thing about it is that It's not early signs of alzheimers, I'm not in any pain and I don't have to do anymore tests for it. Hurrah! However, next week I have to go for a health assessment so that the government can make a judgement about my health based on a template questionaire that isn't even relevents for people with epilepsy. So I think we can all guess how that will pan out.

Tomorrow I'll be spending most of the day at my Mum's house doing washing because our washer has packed up and the engineer can't get here until thursday. I really hope he's able to fix it on the same day (if he has the parts in his van) and not just make an assessment about it. With 5 of us in the house the washing builds up quickly.

But inbetween all this we have been doing Home Ed. We did some computer work this morning and made flapjacks this afternoon which everyone is tucking into now so I think that's a winning future lesson. There's a book I want called '3 Ingredient Baking' by Sarah Rainey. That's where I got the idea for the flapjacks, although we did add raisins and drizzle chocolate over the top, so 5 ingredients in all. But essentially you only need oats, butter and golden syrup. *N and *O like to do things quickly. They don't like long drawn out tasks or lessons so 3 ingredient cooking is perfect for our Teen Skills lessons. And the best thing, less ingredients means less things to wash up! *O has just invited me to sniff the dog and tells me she needs a bath......guess what he'll be doing tomorrow hahaha. Life skills of how to look after and bath a dog.



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