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Happy Birthday, Hubz

Today is my hubz' birthday and the sun is shining brightly so I have decided that today we will take it easy. No home ed today, just chillin. That went down well with the kids! Money is tight at the moment but we do what we do best and make the most of what we can do. Middle girly, *I, made a cake for him last night (she is at school now and so wouldn't have had time to make it today after she got home). That's her gift to him and it's her way of continuing her hobby now that 6 hour of her day is spent in mainstream. Big girl, *N, bought him a funny gift. He loves cheese and marmite toasted sandwiches and so she bought him a pack of toaster bags which he will actually love. Little lad, *O, has done what he always does and wrapped a box of cereal from the pantry. His reasoning, "who doesn't like cereals?" He really is a funny little bean. As for me, I got him his favourite sweets, a bag of honey and sesame coated cashew nuts, an ash trapping ashtray (mainly because of my pet hate of ash being blown everywhere when he smokes at the window), and tomorrow it's my treat for a pub lunch (just for the both of us). As I said, money is tight but it's all the things he loves. Even if I wasn't able to have bought the small amount I did we would have found another way to have a great day. Sure it's nice to get amazing presents, but as you get older, what else do you really need other than your favourite people around you? Getting back to home ed, though, it means we'll have to catch up friday on today's missed work and I will be sending them round to my mum's tomorrow (while we're out having our lunch), with some work to get on with. That will please them, hahaha. Until next



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