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I'm sorry

Hello everyone, I really have no excuse other than I seem to have lost momentum over the past couple of months. I've been really feeling low and felt there wasn't anything worth sharing. But now I'm moving forward and starting to rebuild. Maybe it's the sunshine. It's been 2 months since I last posted which seems like it's gone so quick, actually. Alot has happened since then and it's seems like it just keeps changing. I'm not keen on change, especially when I'm not in control of it. Anyone else feel like that? Starting with home education, or as it turns out, school. My 2 youngest decided that they wanted to go back to school which was heartbreaking but we only want to make our kids happy, right? So they went back (to a different school than before, may I add). Our youngest was there just 2 days and decided that actually mainstream wasn't for him, so now he's back home. Although the second day he was at school they had a pro skateboarder visit who taught them some basics of boarding and showed them some great tricks. Now, of course our lad has bought himself a skate board, much to my dismay. I allowed him to buy it on the condition -BUBBLE WRAP PARENT ALERT- he wear all his pads and buy a full head skid lid to wear until he becomes proficient at it. He was a good boy and agreed himself that it was a good idea. So we're both happy, even though the hubs shakes his head and rolls his eyes. Our middle girl though, has really enjoyed doing alot of different activities from what we do at home. I think she enjoys the structure of the mainstream school day. Today is her sports day but she refused to let us go and watch her. She embarrasses easily. But he main reason she wanted to go back was to widen her social circle (believe it or not, sometime's it's not always easy making friends like alot of home ed parents say). To her disappointment it wasn't as easy making new friends as she thought. 3 weeks in and she's just found her place amongst a couple of girls which is great but being a parent and knowing how social circles often work (even into adulthood) 3's often a crowd. I just hope this won't be the case. Moving onto home ed, I had a letter yesterday from the LA EHE department wanting their annual vistit. I know, I know, I don't have to let them come round etc, and believe me I rather they just left us to it (and I feel like such a hypocrite especially after my blogs about the proposed Bill on EHE). Anyway, I have had so much stress over the last 7 months that I really can't muster up the energy for a possible battle. So next month I'm expecting a visit. I'm not too stressed about it, the kids have a bursting to the brim folder of work each as well as online work and work books. So I really don't see why there would be a problem. However the way things have been going lately I've learned to not take anything for granted! So that's where we are on that right now. Things are changing, progressing and moving on. Who know's, it might turn out better than I'm anticipating. I can only hope. Have yourselves a lovely weekend and I'll see you on my next post. Sarah xx



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