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Holiday Envy

I know I'm an adult and I shouldn't allow my feelings of envy get the better of me but I literally had an adult sulk when I saw everyone's Easter holiday pictures on instagram. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for my friends that they are lucky enough to get away from it all every school holiday or just when they feel like a break (because they have the money to do so). I also appreciate all the things I have in my life. I guess I'm more frustrated that those holidays, days out, and mini breaks are the things I can't give my family. But what annoys me the most is how some people after getting back from holiday start moaning after a few weeks that they need 'ANOTHER HOLIDAY'. I get the whole Holiday Blues thing, but really? every time! I mean, talk about rub your nose in it! Now, I'm not completly a saint when it comes to holiday pictures. After years of saving for a trip to DisneyLand Paris 3 years ago I made a few apologies for posting about 250 holiday pics between myself and my husband. But I did say that as we don't have yearly holidays and hadn't had a holiday in many many years, expect to get spammed with snap shots and if it's unpleasing then please feel free to unfollow for a while. I know, I know. Total hypocrite, right? But I would expect the same from anyone in our position too. And those people I would be genuinely happy for. But you know what else peevs me so much? People who ONLY post when they are on holiday in exotic locations, or on holiday in general. The 'Look at me and what I'm doing because my life is soooooooo amazing!!' types who go on to write pretentious hashtags #blessed #humble #thankful which then turns to self righteous #hardwork #lifestyle #IfYouWantItWorkForIt hashtags. Yeah, we know you have to work to make money. However, some people aren't able to earn more than minimum wage and having to live with debt just to make ends meet. So please stop being so god damn sanctimonious. I think (like many) social media has a lot to answer for when making people feel like crap. But then again your hands aren't tied and you're not locked into a contract with these media platforms. So the responsibility lays at your door. Well, in my case, my door. It's just easier to blame the internet I guess. I do acknowledge that I'm a naturally envious, some times jealous person. From an early age I was always envious of my big sister and still am if I'm honest. Things just seemed to fall into place for her. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't wish her the bad times I've had. I just wish we had a bit more of the good stuff. So maybe the answer is to hide feeds on social media because this is totally my problem and I hate that I have this shit storm of emotion living inside me. I don't want to be this way, it's time consuming and destructive. I've tried reading self help PDF's and all sorts but nothing seems to help. I think hiding feeds will work because due to other reasons (not relating to envy) I have reduced my social cirlce to practically a full stop and you know what? 100% happier. No drama, no being let down, no cat claws. It makes perfect sense. Extract the negativity or what makes you have negative emotions and TADAAAA.....Instant happy.



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