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Plans A through to Z

I'm full of plans. They usually don't work out. I spend hours researching, cultivating, organising, checking, re-checking, changing, then scraping the whole thing and starting something new. I actually annoy myself most of the time. Home ed plans, topics and projcts plans, travelling plans, money making plans, days out plans. My head is full and I just wish I could take a break from it and concentrate on one thing at a time. I love solving problems but it stresses me out when stuff I thought would work so well just doesn't. At the moment all plans I had for our new home ed life has been put on hold due to reason out of our control. Lots of waiting and red tape involved. It's so annoying. So in the mean time I am using every creative cell in my body to make the best of things. Use what we have already for topics and crafts and make the most of the partially good days of weather we occassionally get to go outside with our adventure dog, Lillypigs, and make some memories. Education, decorating, landscaping, side hustles, dreams, family lifestyle, you name it, I'm making a plan about it. I literally have notebooks full of idea's, plans and lists. It seems lately though that everytime I get close to nailing a plan, something happens and goes wrong. I was having a conversation with my husband about a month before christmas 2017 and I said to him that at this point in time it's probably the happiest we all have been. Things were going smoothly, kids were happy, our plans were actually GOING TO PLAN! But then just a few weeks later everything changed. Suddenly a massive pot hole in the road cracked a wheel on our happy LIFE PLAN bus. Don't get me wrong, it could be a hell of a lot worse and I still recognise that we are very lucky that home education works for us and we are able to do it. We have food on the table and a roof over our heads...etc etc. But it's still disheartening when you just get going and then you get a spanner in the works that balls' up everything we've been planning for so long. I'm sure I'm driving my husband mad with plan after plan of how to get back on track. And to be honest, I know most of my idea's are ridiculas or far fetched. Get rich quick schemes and side hustles that I'll never do. Re-training or setting up our own business. Never gonna happen. Working from home or e-commerce. Just don't have the knowledge or funds. I can't promise to fully stop with my idea's and plans and lists but I need to try for my own sanity. I think I must have an addictive personallity disorder. I get my sights set on things and I don't stop until I get utterly bored with it and move onto something else. I think I should look into meditation or something and at least try to chill out. So right now I'm going to sign off, tuck the kids in, make a cuppa, forget all about plans, lists and idea's, and just watch Top Gear with my husband and our dog, Lillypigs. Bye for now. :)



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