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Pants Weather...again...AGAIN !!!

Weather up North is crap! I've tried to get used to it but it's damn near impossible. I tell myself "you're up north! what do you expect?!" Well, something resembling summer in summer would be nice and for winter to last just the season it's intended for. It's now spring and we're still getting winter weather. Any glimps of sun is quickly diminished by rain cloud, wind, or cold temperature. Just as we're thinking "oo it's a nice day, lets do something!" Then realise....oh, no it's not. Ok lets find something else to do indoors...again. Now I know you're probably sitting there saying "It's just weather! If you dress right it will make no difference". Well, I'm sorry, as a southerner I'm just not bred the same as northern folk. And before I get accused of racism or being a dividing activist or something along those lines, that's not a put down. We (southerners) just don't like bad weather. I personally also am not a sun worshiper and moan just as much in a heat wave. But it does make it hard when you home ed and the kids want out the house for a while. Parks are wet or muddy, no one wants to walk round town in rain, and everything else to go out and do costs money. We've usually already hit the library at some point, visited family, and taken lillypigs (our staffy dog) to the woods. Our local woods have a nice gravelled path for the walkers to avoid muddy boots. My idea of heaven! Museums where we live tend to consist of aviation, tracktors, and historic industrial machinery. None of which particularly floats our kids boats (or mine). They've been to the castle many a time and the cathedral too. We've been to the historic tudor house of which King Henry frequently visited, and read all about how our town was once Englands Capital (albeit for a couple of months) when taken over by Swyne Forkbeard and his Son Canute. Or something to that effect. I'm just getting so bored of this constant state of overcaste greyness and arctic conditions (slightly exaggerated) . It's so depressing. I think that's why there seems to be general state of low mood up north. We just don't get enough sun! And so, as it's another very unpredictable day I guess we're making bedroom door signs out of clay. Might as well do something creative indoors. Reading this back I've noticed it's pretty gloomy (like the weather) I'll make my next blog post alot more positive....promise!



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