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Outdoors? eww!

Before you think I'm a home ed Mum that just keeps her kids in all day, I'm really not. The truth is I just can't seem to get them interested in doing anything outside. When I was younger I loved being out on my bike. The sense of freedom I had, riding around with friends, biking through the woods, it was awesome. But our kids??? Nope, couldn't care less about bikes, scooters, go karts etc. We don't live near a beach so don't really get to enjoy the ocean very often which is a shame because when we've been on holiday they really did enjoy paddling and playing on the sand. We are surrounded by farm land, pretty much, and there's only one local woods that we like going to with the pooch because there's great tracks to follow or the option of trekking through the forest. Although the kids do go they always moan about it. They hate getting their trainers dirty (wont wear wellies because they make their feet cold or rub or just any other reason), they always end up needing the loo (even though I make them go before hand), they're in a constant state of hunger and thirst, and so tired half way round that their legs are turning to jelly! None of them are into sports and I'm not keen on them just hanging around the streets. I just don't know what else I can do! Is this normal of kids today? Is it my fault somehow? What am I doing wrong? Although, I will admit that we live half way up the country and its always cold up north (even the summers are cool). People here don't consider East midlands as North, but coming from the south east coast, it's North enough for us! So maybe their Southern blood just can't handle the Northern chill ? I keep looking at moving to be near the sea again but it's just so hard to find somewhere nice that we can afford. I think they would like it, and especially our pooch, she loves the sea. So to all the parents out there with outdoorsy hobbies and kids who love the great outdoors, I salute you! I will keep trying and maybe one day we'll start a new chapter closer to the ocean where the kids will actually want to leave the house and run free for a change. bye for now :)



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