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So frustrated!

I'm really nervous and frustrated at the moment because there is a bill that is trying to be passed on behalf of Lord Soley's views to have stricter laws on Home Education in the UK. If this bill is successfull it wil change our LAWFUL RIGHTS to decide how we as parents choose to home educate our children. The bill is made out to be for the safety of children who are home educated, keeping them safe from potential harm from their parents who may be abusing them or not giving them a "proper education". This obviously is totally ridiculas, as tragically, abuse happens to children regardless of their style of education. Not forgetting that home educators who take their children out of school (which is usually as a last resort) because the school didn't keep their children safe, didn't provide SEND support, or just overlooked struggling children.

But home educators are being put in a bad light simply because of the huge rise in home education which looks bad on the state and highlights the fact that the school sytem doesn't work anymore in the world we live in today. Should this bill be passed it gives local authorities the right to enter your home, assess your children academically, mentally and physically, yearly testing, and the right to take your child aside and interview them on their own without you present. A police officer doesn't even have the right to enter your home without permission or interview a minor without parental concent and a further adult witness. The local authority will ultimately have the power to issue a back to school order if they see fit. This bill is quite obviously being put together so that the government have control of our children. Control over the work they produce, their fitness (most likely exercise regime, quality of food, quantity-like in mainstream-and BMI checks), and reports of their psychological well being. They are taking away our rights and our childrens rights to feel safe at home, for free thinking and creative expression. But the scariest thing about all of this is that all of those assessmesnts will be carried out by a LEA pen pusher. No qualification in teaching, fitness, or psychology needed. just text book checks and judgmental assumptions. Our children are OUR CHILDREN!! They DO NOT belong to the STATE. We as parents know what is best for them. We DO NOT NEED governing on how best to educate, feed, encourage and nurture them. If you want to know more and for the latest updates on this, please follow this amazing group on facebook.



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