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Tech Anger

I am so cross right now!! I'm trying to find a way to create a slideshow with no microsoft office software. I've tried lots of free downloads and they either dont work right or are way too complicated for my tiny tech brain to navigate. I NEED BASIC, I NEED FREE, I NEED TO GET MY WORK DONE!!!! Now, MovieMaker, I have no problem with, and that would be ideal to use and I need to put a voice over on it. However as the document I've created isn't a PDF it wont load it. So i tried to convert it and it says it will only convert with the support from Microsoft Office. GODDAMNIT!! I know this problem of mine isn't very homeschooly, but the reason I need a slideshow is for homeschool. So it kind of counts. Technology is just escaping me. I'ts moving to far forward for me to keep up and I don't like it , not one bit! Even setting this Blog up was a battle, and I hate it because it makes me feel so stupid! Ughhhh, Well that's my rant over with. I guess i'll leave it for tonight and try again tomorrow. Wish me luck. Bye for now. x



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