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I just would love to congratulate you right now. If you're here it means you're either thinking about Home Ed, starting Home Ed or Already Home Ed'ing. Or maybe you just stumbled upon my blog. Well, whichever it is, i'm glad you're here. I wanted to make this blog so that other Home edder's or homeschooling families can drop in when they have a few spare minutes, have a cuppa, relax and read some fun hacks, stories, and general day to day stuff. So here's a little about me and my Home Ed family. I've been Home Ed'ing for almost 2 years now and am still as passionate about it as when we began our new life as a Home Ed family. I take the main role of educating our 3 children, but my husband helps out when I need him to. We didn't H/E from the start, I always thought mainstream was the best way to give our kids an education, and certainly the easiest way (for me). We started home edding our eldest girl when she was 11. Then a year on we took our two younger children, 8 and 9 at the time, out of school and began our new adventure as a H/E family. Everyone loves being at home together. Sure, the kids bicker, and sometimes it feels like you have no personal space or time to yourself but I would not change one tiny thing, except I wish I had done it sooner.



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